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Last Updated
July 1, 2022

Setting COD-to-Paid (C2P) discount value - 

  1. Select the discount type ( fixed or percentage)
  2. Add the discount value
    For example - if you have selected the discount type as fixed and discount to be 10% then in the discount value section just add 10
  3. Set the expiry duration (if any) for C2P and update

Payment Gateway Instruction - 

Select the payment gateway you are using like Razorpay or Cashfree and add the payment gateway app ID and secret. 

To generate Razorpay App ID & secret follow the steps:

 Generate API Keys
  1. Log into your Dashboard
  2. Select the mode for which you want to generate the API key
  • Test mode API keys
  • Live mode API keys
  1. SettingsAPI KeysGenerate Key

Watch this video to see how to generate API keys in the test mode - Test Mode API Keys

Watch this video to see how to generate API keys in the live mode - Live Mode API Keys

Regenerate API Keys

To regenerate the API key:

  1. Log into the Razorpay Dashboard
  2. Select the mode you want to generate the API key, from the menu ribbon
  3. Settings → API Keys
  4. Click Regenerate Key

This gives you the option to deactivate the old key immediately or in 24 hours.

To generate the Cashfree APP id and secret follow the steps: 
  1. Login to your cashfree account > Developers > API Keys
  2. Here you’ll find the Payment gateway App ID & Payment gateway secret

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