Discover actionable holiday marketing tips for Indian eCommerce brands. Learn about COD strategies, customer segmentation, and cookieless marketing to boost ROI and drive D2C growth this season.
Drive holiday sales with expert marketing tips! Explore data-driven strategies, campaign ideas & automation tactics to boost your D2C brand's December profits.
Connect with Gen Z, India’s largest consumer base. Discover strategies for seamless shopping, trends, personalization, and sustainability to boost loyalty and sales.
Discover data-driven strategies for D2C brands in India to improve ROI, cut costs, and enhance customer retention with automation and custom solutions across the journey.
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Learn how being a 'lazy brand' can boost D2C growth with automation, mobile-first design, and customer experiences that drive satisfaction and conversions
Discover how triggered actions like SLA breach alerts, cart recovery, and user segmentation can enhance D2C ecommerce performance in India, boosting efficiency and revenue.
Boost performance for Indian D2C brands with data-driven marketing automation. Discover 7 steps for optimizing lead generation, retention, and customer engagement.
Discover how WhatsApp Broadcasting elevates D2C campaigns, reduces churn, increases CLV, and delivers 98% open rates. Boost customer engagement and sales effectively.
Let's dive deep into “Getting in Bed with COD (Cash-on-delivery)”, and the data-backed reality of COD and why it’s slowly becoming the frenemy of ecommerce.
Learn how proper budgeting can drive growth for Indian D2C brands. Avoid pitfalls, enhance ROI, and maximize your 2024 strategy with data-driven insights.