Discover actionable holiday marketing tips for Indian eCommerce brands. Learn about COD strategies, customer segmentation, and cookieless marketing to boost ROI and drive D2C growth this season.
Drive holiday sales with expert marketing tips! Explore data-driven strategies, campaign ideas & automation tactics to boost your D2C brand's December profits.
Connect with Gen Z, India’s largest consumer base. Discover strategies for seamless shopping, trends, personalization, and sustainability to boost loyalty and sales.
Discover data-driven strategies for D2C brands in India to improve ROI, cut costs, and enhance customer retention with automation and custom solutions across the journey.
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Maximize Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) with proven strategies tailored for D2C eCommerce businesses in India
According to our experts, these six marketing & growth techniques are underrated and underutilised by ecommerce brands trying to scale
42% of D2C customers reported making repeat purchases after a good customer service experience, but what do they prefer?
Ecommerce logistics is the collection of processes for acquiring, storing and shipping products or resources, and managing the costs and revenue associated with those processes - but it's not simple.
Reduce cart abandonment by >20%. Recover >15% of abandoned carts. Customise and optimse across your customer journey.
As a rule of thumb, once your D2C brand starts scaling, your efforts are required to quadruple. Meaning, you get engaged in newer/up-to-date things - that's where CRM helps.