Why Omnichannel is Key to Effective CRM Campaigns

Uncover why an omnichannel approach is crucial for effective CRM campaigns. Learn how it boosts engagement and strengthens customer relationships

In the changing world of customer requirements, there’s always a need for brands to rework on their marketing and sales strategy. 

Hence, with brands always experimenting on what to sell via which channel, like those trendy online clothing ads on Instagram, and less costly products like eyewear on WhatsApp, keeping customers happy always lies at the core of everything you do. 

In a recent Forbes study around Omnichannel, the correlation between higher engagement and omnichannel campaigns was found to be “rising customer expectations” - 90% of customers expect their interactions to be consistent across all channels. 

What this study meant was that:

  1. Customers assume that the promo code they saw on Instagram will be valid when used on the website or store. 
  2. They believe that if they fill their basket online and then close a window, the basket will transfer if they sign into the app. 
 Omnichannel approach

With such customer expectations always on the rise, it is important for brands to push themselves towards improving consistency and seamlessness across all channels 

In this blog, we’ll take centre stage for all the D2C players in the market where we’ll help them explore the role of an Omnichannel Strategy in crafting effective CRM Campaigns in the digital age. We’ll also highlight how D2C CRM and Omnichannel Marketing can bridge the gap between businesses and their customers in a seamless, personalised, and impactful manner.

We’ll also highlight how it can bridge the gap between businesses and their customers in a seamless, personalised, and impactful manner. 

What is an Omnichannel Strategy?

Picture this: A customer steps into your physical store, explores your website, receives an email, or connects via social media, the experience they receive is the same.

Looks like a dream to marketers, but this is what an Omnichannel Strategy does - provide customers with a smooth and uniform experience across every point of contact with a brand.

Omnichannel Marketing entails a LOT
Omnichannel Marketing entails a LOT

Now, here's the magic – with the right tools, D2C brands can build a strategy that forms a feedback loop - helping you fine-tune your brand's messaging.

It's about speaking to each customer individually, offering what's relevant to them. As this cycle continues, brands can make sure that they build trust with customers, brand loyalty increases, and customers keep coming back to your brand for their next purchase. 

What’s the difference between Multichannel and Omnichannel?

Multichannel and Omnichannel might sound synonyms to you in the first place, but they aren’t.

These are two approaches used to build brand presence and sales, but they differ in how each channel operates. Let’s understand the differences below:

What’s the difference between Multichannel and Omnichannel?
Difference between Multichannel and Omnichannel?

What are the benefits of an Omnichannel Strategy?

With those being the basic yet important information about Omnichannel, let us now help all the D2C brands out there with the most important thing - What benefits does an Omnichannel strategy entail?

Let’s get into the core of it!

1. Creating Brand Recognition

When you build over an omnichannel approach, your brand can be certain of one thing - building a lasting impression on your intended audience. 

This looks difficult to happen, but just think if your audience can see you on every social media platform like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or even browsing on YouTube, you’re bound to be remembered by your target audience.

Be it any mode - through sponsored ads or your own posts if they follow you, you’ll love how customers will remember you!

It's like magic, and this extends to Google ads as well.

How does Omnichannel strategy build Brand Recognition?
How does Omnichannel strategy build Brand Recognition?

Is that it?

No! When your viewers step outside, they encounter your brand on billboards and posters. 

Even if they search for a product you offer online, your brand recall will make sure you’re the first brand they can vouch for.

Simply put - your brand takes up a small place in your customers’ minds, increasing the likelihood that they become your customers.

2. Increasing Visibility

The more your brand is visible, the more it sells! 

And the better your product or service, the more likely you are to retain clients.

Especially for D2C brands, Omnichannel marketing is a superpower for boosting visibility through precisely targeted messaging. It's like being everywhere at once.

3. Enhanced Data Analysis

When you're drawing customers from various platforms, Data Analytics and Omnichannel CRM make it easy to categorize them. The best part is you can segment the people interacting with your brand based on the channels they prefer to be communicated upon, based on their previous buying history and more - helping you maximize the effectiveness of your next campaign. 

The best part is you can segment the people interacting with your brand based on the channels they prefer to be communicated upon, based on their previous buying history and more - helping you maximise the effectiveness of your next campaign.

This approach helps you pinpoint the touchpoints where your customers engage the most and the ones where they engage the least. With this insight, you can fine-tune your strategy, address weaknesses, and achieve better results.

4. Improved User Experience

The user experience in omnichannel marketing is what makes it the best tool for D2C brands.

Visitors can easily connect with your brand, as what they see is exactly what they get. It's a seamless experience for both the user and your brand, resulting in effective sales and higher customer retention as you move forward.

This further helps the brands to:

  1. Craft a personalised messaging that provides an experience that surpasses the expectations of your customers.
  2. Build a marketing campaign that showcases customer reviews followed by persuading customers to buy from you. 
  3. Helps in automating the majority of the lower value orders, while manually nurturing the high-intent leads.
omnichannel retail vs the rest
Omnichannel vs the rest

Essentials of CRM Software for an Omnichannel Approach

CRM software plays an important role in making sure that the omnichannel strategy has been implemented in the correct way. Once a business adopts these essentials into its CRM, it can ensure a seamless, unified, and personalized omnichannel approach that enhances customer engagement, blending CRM and Omnichannel Marketing strategies effectively.

Once a business adopts these essentials into its CRM, it can ensure a seamless, unified, and personalised omnichannel approach that enhances customer engagement. 

Let’s understand these essentials below:

  • Ability To Provide A 360-Degree Customer View 

D2C businesses build their marketing strategy based on customer interaction. This provides them with an idea about where they should advertise which helps them get the most ROI.

Hence, it’s important for CRM software to provide a Single Dashboard and a holistic view of each customer, by collating data from marketing channels like:

  1. Social media
  2. Email
  3. Phone
  4. In-store interactions
  5. In-app advertisements, etc.
  • Easily Automates Routine Tasks

How about freeing your team’s bandwidth?

Generally, CRM software automates the majority of the tasks. Hence, while you figure out your next Omnichannel CRM, you should make sure it automates routine tasks, such as data entry and follow-ups.

With Pragma’s Omnichannel CRM, you can automate over 75% of support - Implementing automation in sales, marketing & customer support teams can increase marketing and sales-qualified leads.

get in touch and automate
  • Can Perform Customer Segmentation

With your customers being across India or even cross-borders, your marketing campaigns will differ based on factors such as buying behaviour, demographics, preferences on which place to buy from, etc.

Hence, if you can segment all your customers, trust us, your brand can run highly targeted campaigns with targeted messaging and offers. This approach helps in getting better qualified leads.

  • Supports Multichannel Communication 

With the above section talking about multichannel communication - its benefits and how it works, it’s important that your CRM should support communication through multiple channels like:

  1. Email
  2. SMS
  3. Chat - WhatsApp
  4. Social media.

If you realise, a multichannel communication along with tracking it at a single place gives rise to an Omnichannel communication that ensures a consistent brand message and customer experience.

  • Provides A Detailed Analytical Report

With all the conversation happening around building better marketing campaigns, it’s imperative that your CRM can provide you with an analytical report - a very detailed one.

This will help D2C brands look into the insights and customer behaviour, and predict their preferences. Hence enabling data-driven decision-making. 

Analytics - CRM Software for an Omnichannel Approach
CRM Software for an Omnichannel Approach
  • Helps You Personalise Your Campaigns

Finally, personalisation plays an important role when you send out your campaigns.

Hence CRM systems should be able to facilitate personalised recommendations and content to customers, that too in an automated format.

Such a CRM can enhance customer engagement and satisfaction for your brand in the long run.

Final Thoughts

With this, we’re towards the end of this guide wherein we hope you would have understood why your next CRM campaign would require an Omnichannel approach.

It’s also important for you to choose software that can carry out all the processes for your D2C brand, with minimal intervention from you or your team.

Let us help you with the most important pointers you should check in an Omnichannel CRM:

  • Automating customer support - General queries
  • Providing a better customer experience - 24X7 availability
  • Helps your customers provide a focused buying experience - Personalised products and offers
  • Helps in reducing cart abandonment rate - Frequent nudges to complete payments

Looks tough to find a tool with all these features? Not now!

With Pragma’s Omnichannel CRM, businesses can seamlessly monitor all your audience, be it thousands or million—all from a single dashboard and even automate up to >90% of communications. 

From providing a 10X customer experience and boosting your support team’s productivity 2X, it makes sure that you develop a heightened conversion rate.

Pragma's Omnichannel Approach - from the mouth of Zubin Sarkari (Founder, Glamrs)
Pragma's Omnichannel Approach - from the mouth of Zubin Sarkari (Founder, Glamrs)

If you are a D2C brand, we highly recommend you learn how you can start doubling down your sales funnel to hit the quarter target.

Let Pragma help you unlock the true potential of an Omnichannel CRM.

Talk to our experts for a customised solution that can maximise your sales funnel

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