Why Online Brands Need Chatbots: Enhance Efficiency & Sales

Use-case specific CHATBOTS is the way to go if you want to reduce expense, expand sales teams' bandwidth, and provide support 24/7.

Why it’s dumb for Ecommerce brands to disregard CHATBOTS

Being in an increasingly remote-forward culture and social-media-savvy world, communicating with customers leaves very few options - most of the viable ones being online/digital.

And today’s consumers spend a greeeaat deal of their time on socials & instant messaging apps.

Which is why brands need AI enabled chatbots, to hit your number faster, and with fewer headcount.


  • Opportunity for brands to reach more across the globe at a fraction of the cost
  • To connect meaningfully with consumers at scale and still provide a quality assisted shopping experience
  • Create an alternate channel of acquisition


  • Facilitate AI-powered chatbots on WhatsApp Chatbot Automation, Instagram, Facebook to help brands resolve customer queries and enable purchases
  • It’s also presently the most important means of personalised shopping.
  • Chatbots automate customer communication and greatly help in building a strong relationship converting every customer to a ‘Loyal Customer’
  • The Benefits of WhatsApp Chatbots are numerous, including improving customer engagement and reducing operational costs

Basically, conversational commerce is the intersection of socials/messaging apps with online shopping.

And now you can put them on steroids with the simple integration of AI-powered Chatbots that interact with customers and make the end-to-end shopping experience effortless.

We're telling you, some of these bots, really bring the conversation alive than their human counterparts

In Conclusion -

There are over 2 billion users on WhatsApp, and 1 billion active users on Facebook Messenger & Instagram each.

Hence, not a bad idea to add BOTS to your cart right away! Explore the best Chatbot Service Providers India!

We at Pragma enable brands to build their own chatbots & flows based on your requirements. Have you explored it yet?

If not, create your first and go live today!

Get in touch with Tania today to help you setup your bots → 62897 84895

Some Interesting Use-Cases To Explore:

1. Conversational Ordering

Guide consumers through various aspects directly from the social/messaging app without redirecting to a website.

  • Like product search, add products to cart, order placements, track order status, upselling etc.

Simple conversations with customers can begin with a button-based interaction on WhatsApp - where users can just choose options.

For example:

  • Items in a menu
  • Product in a catalogue
  • Checking order status
  • Repeating past order
  • Giving feedback

(Inventory API, external payment API, order API etc., can also be integrated with WhatsApp Business API to automate operations)

2. Personalised Selling

Chatbots can recommend items to consumers based on historical purchase data (this info is available across platform + across 250↑ brands, making it as personal as possible).

As customers interact more and more with a bot, product recommendations become more accurate.

Notifications on related products, previously out-of-stock products (but searched by user), abandoned carts and more - all inevitably help increase conversions.

3. Bring Systems Together

From order and inventory management, backend systems such as CRM, payments gateways, etc. to drive efficiency.

4. Engage Your Buyers 24/7, Across The Globe

Enable personal and real-time digital interactions with your brand.

Questions answered quickly (within seconds) via choice platforms - be it WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, SMS or Email.

5. Deliver The Leads You Actually Want In Your Pipeline

Stop relying on forms or a generic set of qualification questions.

AI chatbots respond to buyer’s questions, capturing the qualification info and segmenting leads.

6. Deflect Customer Support Questions

Direct general queries from websites and other sources to bots.

Anything related to products, order, items purchased, quality, delivery, returns, etc.

This way, your executives can focus on the key aspects of your business.

Be Pragmatic. Be Pragma.

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