WhatsApp & Zapier Integration: Step-by-Step Guide

WhatsApp-Zapier Integration: Boost Business Efficiency!

When we talk about powerful automation tools, Zapier is undoubtedly one of the first preferences you would look out for in the market. It connects multiple services and helps your business optimize its workflows, saving time and improving business efficiency through WhatsApp Business CRM Integration.

‍It connects multiple services, and helps your business to optimise its workflows; which helps in saving time and improving business efficiency. And today, we’ll dive deep into how to Streamline Your Business with WhatsApp-Zapier Integration.‍

Just like Pragma, when your team uses CRM software like Zapier, with your target audience present on WhatsApp, such software stands at the forefront in helping you with a way that can integrate these two platforms to streamline your day-to-day tasks.

‍We consider this to be important because, with such an integration, you can communicate with your users on a single platform. That means all your campaigns can be launched, and tracked through a single dashboard.

How to send WhatsApp Messages using Zapier?

Let’s understand why use WhatsApp as a communication tool

WhatsApp is no longer just a messaging app; it's also a powerful tool for D2C businesses as it helps them communicate with customers, engage them with offers, and build stronger relationships. ‍WhatsApp integration with Zapier becomes an important part to understand for every business int he D2C space.

Some of the main features of WhatsApp Business are:

Message Automation:

It allows businesses to automate responses to something like FAQs or queries commonly asked by customers that ensure prompt and consistent replies.

whatsapp unread message warning

Automate responses to FAQs or general queries

Contact Management:

Businesses can manage customer contact information, including names, phone numbers, and chat history, within the CRM system. This is very important as campaigns require personalised communication and a better understanding of customer needs.

Conversation Tracking:

This solution tracks and logs conversations between businesses and customers, providing a centralised record for future reference, and analysis, and helping other team members revisit the record if needed.

Analytics and Reporting:

With data being the new oil, brands can improve conversions just by tracking data. This analysis and reporting of data is then built into insights that influence how business interacts with customers.

Team Collaboration:

WhatsApp CRM tools generally support collaboration among team members, allowing them to assign and manage customer inquiries, share notes, and work together, providing efficient customer support with less operational costs.

What is Required to connect Zapier to WhatsApp?

With you now being familiar on what are the benefits of a WhatsApp business account, it’s time that we help you with the steps of Zapier WhatsApp integration

Let’s get started!

pragma integrations

Connect WhatsApp to your CRM:

First things first - Connect your WhatsApp Business Account with your in-house CRM tool.

Be it Zapier, or Pragma, all you need to do as the first step is directly sign up to your CRM account, and WhatsApp business account and connect WhatsApp as an app to your CRM tool.

Create Workflows: 

Just like Pragma calls them Workflows, Zapier calls them Zaps.

You have to create Zaps that define what needs to be triggered and what actions you want to automate between the CRM and WhatsApp. 

For example, "When a new lead is added in the CRM, send a welcome message on WhatsApp."

Test and Monitor: 

You can test your Workflows/Zaps to ensure they work on the workflows as expected. This can be done by simply performing test or demo runs creating real-life scenarios that your customers would perform. This can be then monitored for performance.

The Roadmap: A Step-by-Step Guide to Send a WhatsApp Message from Zapier

With the Zapier WhatsApp business integration being set up, here's a step-by-step guide on how to send WhatsApp messages using Zapier WhatsApp api:


Before you begin, make sure you have completed the steps mentioned in the above section.

whatsapp message from pragma

Step 1: Create a Workflow/Zap in your CRM

Log in to your Pragma/Zapier account. In the case of Pragma, you can directly set up workflows from the dashboard and in the case of Zapier, click the "Make a Zap" button to create a new Zap.

Step 2: Set up a Trigger App

Choose WhatsApp as an app that will trigger the Workflow/Zap. Connect your chosen app and configure the trigger conditions. Follow the prompts in Zapier to connect your app and set up the trigger.

Step 3: Set up an Action App

Search for and select "Zapier" as the action app. Choose the action event. For sending WhatsApp messages, you'll typically choose "Send WhatsApp Message."

Step 4: Configure the WhatsApp Message

Customise the WhatsApp message details:

From: Choose your Zapier WhatsApp phone number.

To: Specify the recipient's phone number (ensure it's in the correct format, including the country code).

Body: Compose the message you want to send. You can use data from the trigger app to personalise the message.

Step 5: Test and Turn on the Workflow

After configuring the WhatsApp message, test the workflow to ensure it's working correctly.

Once the test is successful, turn on the workflow to start sending WhatsApp messages automatically when the trigger conditions are met.

Remember that WhatsApp has specific guidelines and policies for sending messages, especially for business-related communications. Make sure to comply with these rules to avoid any issues with your WhatsApp Business API account.

Send WhatsApp messages with Zapier via Bepragma

‍Integrating WhatsApp with your CRM system can be beneficial for strengthening your Sales Cycle. This is where a platform like Pragma’s WhatsApp Business Suite becomes helpful, where businesses can reach over 400M users in India, all from powerful software.

  • Automate over 92% of Support - Implementing automation in sales, marketing & customer support teams can increase marketing and sales qualified leads.
  • 3X Customer Experience - Offer instant support/query resolution by providing best-in-class experience, 24/7, on a platform of 2Bn+ users.
  • Boost Support Team’s Productivity by 2x - The support team can automate quick responses to some specific questions, helping them focus on more important things, while the software takes charge of addressing basic customer queries.
  • Focused buying experience - Customers can browse, place, pay, and track orders all on WhatsApp. Businesses can answer queries, provide personalised recommendations, customised offers, and more.
  • Improve Conversions - With the highest campaign open rates, better accessibility to the catalogue, and a seamless payment method, the user gets the best buying experience and helps convert better.
  • Reduce cart abandonment rate - With tailored notifications and offers, nudging consumers to complete their orders based on various factors like time and interests; businesses can increase conversions by 15%. 

CRM To Whatsapp

With that being said, we have come to the end of this guide that talks about how WhatsApp Integration with a CRM is a powerful tool that can revolutionise your customer relationship management strategy.
Hence, understanding the immense potential of WhatsApp for your business is crucial in devising data-driven strategies. 

Integrating WhatsApp with Pragma CRM is a much-needed tool for businesses looking to revolutionise how you sell your products and streamline processes. Discover how to Integrate WhatsApp API seamlessly and enhance your business operations. 

The best part is Pragma helps you to provide data-driven strategies that are crucial in sending out campaigns via WhatsApp. Learn about the Benefits of WhatsApp Chatbots and how they can enhance your customer engagement and support.

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