Hyper-Targeting in Marketing with Geospatial Analysis

Unlock hyper-targeting potential with geospatial analysis. Learn how Pragma’s Geo Analysis tool can revolutionize your marketing and operational strategies

The requirements, wants and behaviours of one are never the same as another. And that affects almost all the metrics for an ecommerce store. 

This is why one needs to understand the location, to contemplate outreach. And this brings us to today’s topic of discussion - Geospatial Analysis for Hyper-targeting

Reach them where they are! 

Yes. But, where are they?

- Geo Analysis

Hence, calculating the precise need for your product/service in various areas in order to avoid least profitable or problematic locations is of utmost importance. 

Advertising city wide or even on an area wide basis is not local enough. This is where GeoAnalysis for Hyper-targeting comes into picture.

Hyper-targeting and its importance in marketing

What is hyper-targeting?

Hyper-targeting is a marketing strategy that involves delivering highly personalized and relevant messages or advertisements to a specific audience segment based on their demographics, interests, behavior, or other data points. Unlike traditional mass marketing approaches, hyper-targeting aims to reach individuals or small groups with tailored content that resonates with their unique preferences and needs.

How to Use Hypertargeting

Audience Segmentation: Start by dividing your target audience into smaller, more defined segments based on factors such as demographics, psychographics, or purchase history.

Data Collection: Gather relevant data about each audience segment, including their interests, preferences, online behavior, and purchase history. This data can be collected through website analytics, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, social media insights, and other sources.

Personalized Messaging: Create customized messages, offers, and advertisements tailored to each audience segment's characteristics and preferences. This may involve crafting different ad creatives, product recommendations, or promotional offers for each segment.

Channel Selection: Choose the most appropriate channels for reaching each audience segment based on their preferences and behavior. This could include social media platforms, email marketing, display advertising, search engine marketing, or even personalized direct mail.

Testing and Optimization: Continuously monitor the performance of your hyper-targeted campaigns and adjust your strategies based on the results. Test different messaging, visuals, and targeting parameters to identify what resonates best with each audience segment.

Hyper-local doesn’t narrow down the funnel to such an extent that the target audience will just be a handful. 

It refers to locating exactly those prospects who we can convert to purchases. And with accurate data analysis one will also be able to cross sell and up sell. 

‍Invariably making your brand an object of envy. Because your ROAS and other revenue returns grow exponentially due to improved results on every potential target.

The intuitive nature & potential of geoanalysis in eCommerce can reveal anomalies, trends, recurring patterns, and opportunities that can’t be identified by other data points. Implementing WhatsApp Ad Targeting CTWA allows brands to access, interpret, analyze, and visualize their data in more ways than one

Geoanalysis for Operational Excellence 

‍Similarly, the slicing and dicing of the data can be used to detect, and forecast RTOs at the pincode level. 

Attributes like Prepaid orders, RTOs, COD to Prepaid conversion when viewed against the total orders from the pincodes, can not only bring about effective targeting insights for brands, but also stay wary of problematic localities before shipping orders. Conducting Ecommerce Brand Competitor Analysis provides a comprehensive view of the market landscape

realtime hypertargeting marketing
  • If you can pinpoint locations where your promotions can create most impact
  • If you can pinpoint locations with most RTOs 
  • If you can pinpoint locations with highest COD orders to concentrate COD to Prepaid efforts 
  • If you can pinpoint locations with least concentration of consumers

Successful examples of hyper-targeting

Facebook offers sophisticated targeting options, making it ideal for marketing campaigns. You can create specific lists:

  • Audience Lists: Craft lists based on various details like life events and purchase activity to match your buyer persona.
  • Custom Audiences: Target individuals already on your email lists by matching them with Facebook user profiles.
  • Lookalike Audiences: Expand your reach by finding similar audiences to your already targeted ones.
  • Remarketing Audiences: Target users who have engaged with your brand previously, either on Facebook or your website.

Email marketing allows hyper-targeting through CRM and email segmentation:

  • Segmentation: Divide your customer base into specific groups based on characteristics or activities.
  • Personalized Content: Tailor content and promotions to each group.
  • Delivery: Send personalized marketing content.
  • Retargeting: Retarget customers based on their reactions to your campaigns.
  • Tracking: Monitor results and refine your approach continually.

Google Ads also provides targeting options based on search phrases, demographics, location, interests, and more. You can pay for placements on search engine results pages or display ads on third-party websites.

How does Geospatial analysis for Hyper-Targeting help? 

‍This comes in super handy when brands are actively looking to expand in Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities having saturated their affluent customer base. 

Because you’ll understand what's happening in any area you target

  • Locations with Maximum User churn 
  • Is it expensive to deliver in the region?
  • Where do you have lots of idle assets (warehouses & products)?
  • Should you expand to a region with similar potential? 
  • Find where occasionally cancellations occur vs repeated cancellations etc.

With the insights from Geo analysis, brands can plan for better resource allocation, ware-house planning, adjustments in logistics, moderating post-shipping accessorial charges and more. 

Losing money on shipping may be a part of business, but finding a way to minimise that loss is up to you. 

Couple these info to your existing marketing data, inventory, customer profiles, demographic profiles, mailing lists and brands can achieve peak level optimisation, poised for exponential profitability. 

Possible use-case: Regional holidays. What specific products are your customers looking for, around what time period are they making their purchases. Implementing Building Holiday Customer Predictability strategies can be facilitated by data aggregators and analytics engines 

Data aggregator → Analytics engine 

Pragma’s Analytics engines scrub what is effectively commoditized data, and to which you apply algorithms in order to contextualise it. And then form insights to help/guide an end user, who in our case are the D2C Brands.

In a nutshell, Pragma’s Geo Analysis determines which States/Cities/Pin Codes work best for your Brand, and provides you a platform to discover new potential locations to target, and the right way to approach them as well.

It’s time brands have a tool at hand to differentiate between a profitable region and the high loss region - while being able to distinguish aspects that the others lack, and the strong points that makes a profitable region; well, profitable.

Get Started - Experience the true potential of Geospatial Analysis for Hyper-targeting, with Pragma’s Geo Analytics.


  1. What is geospatial analysis for hyper-targeting, and how does it differ from traditional targeting methods?

Geospatial analysis for hyper targeting involves using location-based data to target specific audiences with precision. Unlike traditional targeting methods, which may rely on broader demographics or interests, hyper geo targeting allows marketers to deliver real-time, location-based marketing messages to consumers based on their exact whereabouts.

  1. How does realtime hypertargeting marketing leverage geospatial analysis to reach consumers effectively?

Realtime hyper targeting marketing utilizes geospatial analysis to deliver highly relevant and timely messages to consumers based on their current location. By leveraging real-time data on consumer movements and behavior, marketers can identify opportunities to engage with consumers when they are most likely to be receptive to marketing messages, such as when they are in close proximity to a physical store or attending an event.

  1. What are the benefits of hyper-targeting through geospatial analysis for marketers?

Hyper-targeting through geospatial analysis offers several benefits for marketers, including increased relevance and effectiveness of marketing messages, improved ROI on marketing spend, enhanced customer engagement and loyalty, and the ability to track and measure the impact of marketing campaigns with greater accuracy.

  1. What are some examples of successful hyper-targeting campaigns using geospatial analysis?

Successful hyper-targeting campaigns using geospatial analysis include location-based promotions sent to consumers when they are near a store or event, targeted advertising based on specific neighbourhoods or regions, and personalized recommendations based on a consumer's past location history.

  1. How can businesses implement hyper-targeting through geospatial analysis into their marketing strategies?

Businesses can implement hyper-targeting through geospatial analysis by leveraging location-based data from sources such as GPS-enabled devices, mobile apps, and social media platforms. They can then use this data to segment their target audience based on location and deliver personalized marketing messages tailored to each consumer's specific location and context.

realtime hypertargeting marketing

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